martes, 2 de junio de 2020

Inglés 4º A y B (Miss Andea)

Hello children!
How are you today?

We are in  JUNE! Time flies, right?
Which SEASON are we in?
(¿en qué estación del año estamos?)

Here is a SONG to learn The FOUR SEASONS
The Seasons Song is a Science song that teaches the seasons of the year.

In English we can say FALL or AUTUMN (it´s the same!)
(Les dejo una ayudita para poder responder las siguientes preguntas: 
warm = cálido, hot = muy caluroso, cool = fresco, cold = frío)   

Activity 1:
Answer these questions in your folders:

1) What´s the weather like in SPRING?
It´s __________
2) What´s the weather like in SUMMER?
It´s __________
3) What´s the weather like in FALL or AUTUMN?
It´s __________
4) What´s the weather like in WINTER?
It´s __________

Activity 2)
Do you feel creative today?
Watch this video and create a FOUR-SEASONS TREE made of paper

Aguardo sus tareas y producciones!!! 

Miss Andrea

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